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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • Agency Interest ID Number
    • An IDEM cross-program unique identifier for any property/parcel in Indiana
  • CAS #
    • Chemical Abstract Service Number
  • Date First Brought into Use
    • The date that fuel is first deposited in a UST or compartment.
  • Date Installed
    • The date the tank was installed in the ground.
  • Effective Date of Ownership
    • The earliest date of ownership. Regarding property, the date of deed transfer. Regarding tanks, may be indicated by contractual agreement regarding the tanks alone or by deed if property owner and tank owner are one and the same.
  • Estimated Total Capacity
    • The total estimated capacity of the specified tank or compartment generally rounded to the nearest thousand gallons.
  • Facility Address
    • Postal address where tanks are physically located.
  • Facility ID Number
    • An IDEM underground storage tank unique identifier for any site / property / parcel in Indiana that contains or has ever contained regulated underground storage tanks.
  • Fill Latitude
    • This is the latitude of the opening of the fill pipe given in decimal degrees to six significant digits.
  • Fill Longitute
    • This is the longitude of the opening of the fill pipe given in decimal degrees to six significant digits.
  • ID Verified
    • Verification of a person’s identity through documentation approved by the agency. If you would like to request ID verification, please contact
  • Manifolded
    • The piping connected to the specified tank or compartment is connected directly to another tank or compartment containing the same motor fuel.
  • Max Ethanol %
    • The maximum percentage of biofuel added to the refined gasonline stored in the specified tank or compartment.
  • Maximum Biofuel %
    • The maximum percentage of biofuel added to the refined diesel fuel stored in the specified tank or compartment.
  • Number of Sumps for this Tank:
    • The total number of sumps for this tank not including under-dispenser containment sumps.
  • Owner Entity Number
    • An IDEM assigned unique identifier for any entity that has registered as a Tank Owner, Tank Operator, or Property Owner at a facility.
  • Parcel Number
    • The number assigned by the local tax assessment office to identify a property for tax, title, deed and property line reasons.
  • Substance
    • The applicable three letter code for the regulated substance stored in the specified tank or compartment.
  • UST Number
    • The permanent identification number assigned to the tank by EPIC (for IDEM's purposes).